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Parcela leži na lokaciji z enim izmed najlepših razgledov v vasi, pogled je tako na dolino kot na bližnje pogorje.
Na zemljišču stoji enostavni objekt, zgrajen iz lesa in po vzoru slovenskih čebelnjakov, ima lasten izvir vode in sončne celice z baterijo za osnovno elektriko. Gretje je urejeno z mini pečko na drva. Hiška je tako popolnoma samooskrbna in pripravljena za občasno bivanje. Kljub manjši velikosti zemljišča, je zasnova terena takšna, da je prostor pripravljen za gradnjo individualnega bivalnega objekta, saj je parcela registrirana kot stavbno zemljišče. Prav tako je možna ureditev manjšega vrta in dodatne zasaditve sadnih dreves. Orientacija parcele je na jug, pozicija pa takšna, da daje prijeten občutek zasebnosti.
Lokacija je dobro izhodišče za lažjo in zahtevnejšo hojo in kolesarjenje. V primeru stalnega bivanja v prihodnosti, je cesta do bližine parcele asfaltna in dobro urejena tako poleti kot pozimi.
Enostavni objekt je možno tudi oddajati, lokacija ima do danes dobro zasedenost in popularnost predvsem med tujci, ki živijo v večjih mestih in si želijo miru in enostavnega bivanja.
This piece of land is a rare find in Slovenian country side. It is not a huge amount of land, but it is in the spot with stunning views, and no neighbors infront, so it feels very secluded. There is a hut on the land that is designed as the off the grid house and it’s now fully booked by foreign guests, so it is a proven business that could be run in case you are looking only for part time stay. The area is amazing for hikers or mountainbikers. It is halfway up the mountain Smrekovec which can be the starting point of various day or even longer trips. There is a small ski resort 14km away although back country skiing is possibly even better and allows you to go anywhere.
If you decide to build a larger house for living here permanently, there are many basics in place already: the land is declared as building land (very scarce option in the administrative jungle here), has an access road, it’s own water well and for now - there are solar panels with batteries on the land already for 2300 kW. We leveled the ground and build in basic infrastructure outlets.
More about the existing hut: Its off the grid for starters. You have electricity (2300 kW) at the mercy of the sun. Heating is with wood. It’s a tiny house in m2 though it does have land around it for growing vegetables and with an outdoor kitchen and fireplace on it. The house is all wood and is modelled after the traditional beehives of Slovenia so it has character and a nice quirky look outside. And a cosy modern/traditional look inside. We added a wooden terrace for gazing at the gorgeous hills right in front of you and sipping sundowners. More info at
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Nepremičninski svetovalec
Tel: +(386) 41 761 957